My Labor of Love

Garden Links

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My Favorite Plant Shopping Sites

Bluestone Perennials has a great web search, reasonable prices, and a huge selection

Pinetree Garden Seeds tons of veggie and herb seeds, great prices on a wide variety of bulbs, too


The flower beds were pretty overgrown when I moved here.  Skip had worked hard on the house and the pond, but the beds were overrun with invasive perennials, daylilies, and wild mustard.  Last year was spent trying to identify what was left, clearing out some of the choked areas, and adding a few things for color and structure. I moved some of my favorites from the old house, and ordered some plants I had wanted but didn't have room for on Regan Street. This spring has been great.  There's been a lot of hard work digging out the lilies and weeds, but it's already been well worth it. I found some plants that I missed last year , nearly all the plants I put in last year made it through the winter, and a ton of plants have arrived from Bluestone.  This year I'm working on the back border, clearing out the path through the woods, and hopefully I'll get some work done on the weeds on the edge of the pond.


Based on the garden books these don't get enough sun, but they look like they're doing ok to me

I can't remember what I planted, but I like it

If you recognize it, let me know. I planted it this spring and I lost the tag. (blond moment?)

Daisies on the back side of the berm.

The berm was covered in them for a patch at least 20 yards wide

Japanese Toad Lillies

If these make it over their first winter, I'd like to plant more. The look so tropical in the upper midwest.


Bleeding heart



Iris in the pond


(I think) in bloom

Need help identifying

I know it's a tree peony, but I'm not sure what kind. It looks like Baiyun's Pink to me.

Tree peony bloom


I'm not sure what type, so if you know, please email me

Wild Violet

I know they're technically weeds, but they sure are pretty


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Please send me an email if you can help with plant info!